
Calendar ⌘1

Use the calendar to get a visual overview of all your working time.
New timed entries can be created by dragging the mouse.
Entries will be created in selected Subproject, or in the topmost Subproject of the selected Project.
To create an entry for a specific Subproject, drag the Subproject to the Calendar.

List ⌘2

Use the list to have a reverse chronological list of all the recordings. If there is enough space, a small calendar will show up on its right and showing the selected item in a graphical view. (Only timed entries)

Adding items

Below the list there are 4 button to add new entries:


Entries can be dragged to another Project/Subproject. Dragging on an other day works as well. (Except for uncompleted To Dos - they always stick on the top of the list)

Charts ⌘3

Get an overview how much you worked here.

View options

The numbers in the tables and charts can switched.

Cost ⌥⌘1

Shows the totals as cost

Duration ⌥⌘2

Shows the duration of the elements.

Rate ⌥⌘3

This is where you can set the rates for each Client, Project or Subproject.

The global rate can be set on the "All Clients" item

Budget ⌥⌘4

Subprojects can have a budget. Edit them here. The Budget of a Project is the sum of all of its childs.
Budgets are shown as a circle that fills up the closer you come to the limit.


Contents Hourly rate
Client holds its Projects custom
inherited from "All Clients"
Project contains one or more Subprojects custom
inherited from it's Client
(if there is no Client the Rate is inherited from "All Clients")
Subproject contains the recording custom
inherited from the Project
Recordings none inherited from the Subproject


A client collects all it's projects and sums up the time and cost. Each client can have a custom hourly rate.


A project can be assigned to a client. When you have completed a project you may archive it. Archiving hides a project from the list. For better distinction a Color may be assigned.


Clients and Projects can be archived using right click. Archived entries are hidden in the list.

Once an entry is archived it will freeze it’s hourly rates that were used at the time of archiving.



Timed recordings have a duration. The duration is multiplied with the rate that is assigned to it's subproject. Timed entry can be created manually or by starting a timer.


Notes have no cost at all and can be used for work related comments.

To Do

Uncompleted To Dos float on the top of the list. Once completed they are assigned to the day they have been marked as completed.

Fixed Cost

These items are of use when you need to charge your client a fixed cost. There is no rate applied to them.


Labels can be defined in Window/Labels (⌘L) and assigned to any recording using the context menu. Multiple recordings can can be dragged on a label to assign it.




Optionally the calendar view can show entries of all projects


Sign up for a free account when you want to sync your data with another device or user. You will get a mail with a link to confirm the account and pick a password.

Repeat this procedure if you have forgotten your password or if you want to change it.


The timer menu can be accesses from various places: It's in the window title of timings, in the dock icon and in the menu bar (if activated).


Timings will notify you have not started any timer.


Define when you like a time to be stopped and if times should be rounded.
If "Show Editor after stopping" is checked, Timings will present a sheet to enter a note for the just stopped timer. You can edit the note of a running timer by alt-clicking the status menu.


This number defines how many recent items should appear in the timer menu.


For adding times retrospectively you can turn on the application tracker. This will record the frontmost applications and show them in the calendar when moving the cursor on the days. Only recordings longer than 2 minutes will be shown in the calendar.

New applications are detected automatically and added to this list when they are used for a while.


Timings can be used by multiple users. (Requires 1 License per user). New entries are always added to the user that is set as "This is me" in the Users window. If more than one user is setup, you can switch the display of the recordings to in the title of the main window. Entries can be assigned to another user using right click.

Sync has to be enabled in Preferences and all users have to sync with the same account.


To search in a list, click it once and start typing. The search box will then appear.

Project templates

For Projects with same Sub projects you can create a template from an existing Project using right click. The Templates are added to the + Button of the Projects list.


In each of the three views you can export the currently visible entries using ⌘E.

To remove a field, click on its header and hit the minus button.

In order to add a field, click on the plus button and add a field from the list.

Fields can be rearranged by dragging the header of the table.

Lists can be exported in Excel, Tab-Separated and Comma-Separated format.



Timings passes your projects to GrandTotal for billing them. Active projects appear in the overview of GrandTotal in the section Timings. Archived projects and projects without a client are excluded.